Guide to Authors

1.    The Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology is a comprehensive academic publication, which covers in various fields, such as Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering Technology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Science and Technology, and Management. We welcome all professional manuscripts from different experts and scholars from home and abroad.

2.    Make sure submit final version of manuscript. Once your manuscript is accepted for publication and received at the Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology no further changes can be made.

3.    Do not submit papers to Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology if they have been published somewhere else, or are being considered for publication elsewhere.

4.    Submit your paper only as a Word file. The article must use Traditional Chinese and English and cannot be over 30,000 words (except for the special article). The Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology is a Quarterly one published in March, June, September and December.

5.    The article must provide no more than 500 words of Chinese and English abstract and five keywords. Define all non-standard abbreviations when they first appear. Remember to include a title, all author names and affiliations, and the corresponding author’s email address.

6.    If your paper uses figures, tables, or parts of text that have been published elsewhere, you need permission from the copyright holder. Number tables and figures, ensure they all have a legend. Define the meaning of any bold or italic formatting in your tables. Figures should be high-resolution and in a common image format. (e.g. .eps or .tif)

7.    All references should be readable and accurate. The article must need to follow the format references to the Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology style when you first submit your paper.

8.    Include acknowledgements, conflict-of-interest declarations and details of funding sources and grant numbers at the end of your paper. Include the full funder name. Use author initials to indicate which authors received grants.

9.    Include all supplementary data files, which is the application from, with your submission. Use Word’s ‘Insert equation’ and ‘Insert symbol’ functions to insert symbols or special characters. Do not use images. Times New Roman and Arial Unicode MS typically provide the widest range of symbols and special characters.

10.  After we have reviewed your manuscript, we may ask for editable files, higher resolution figures, or edited files to fit journal style.

11.  The article must follow the “Committee on Publication Ethics Rules”. If we have clear evidence that findings are plagiarism, unreliable, a result of major error, fabrication, falsification, or published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification of article, the Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology will retract the further article.

12.  We now use the new system for submission. The author should register and submit the article on the system. However, we still keep the email submission method. The author should attach the submission form and further necessary documents to the journal’s email: (please write information clearly as “date_author_article title” ). We will reply to the author in ten days and confirm whether your article is accepted for the next stage or not. In general, the processing of articles will take around 30-40 working days. If we do not reply for over six months, the author can deal with it by himself.

13.  The Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology has the final decision of publication, editorship and right of interpret for each article.

Pubdate: 2022-11-25    Viewed: 1712